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Obtain the quality label for your DAATA natural cosmetics

You have followed the DAATA training and have decided to start manufacturing natural products for animals? Do you want to obtain recognition for your skills and show that your products are compatible with our values of animal welfare and health as well as environmental preservation? Our new "DAATA Compatible Products" label is made for you!

To get it, nothing could be simpler:

- You must have followed the 4 levels of DAATA and validated your exams for the 4 levels.

- The composition of the products you manufacture must be completely natural (including preservatives).

- You pay the annual membership fee (reduced rate for GOLD DAATA members). The payment is automatically renewed each year. The contribution depends on the number of references that you wish to certify. 

All you have to do is present us with the complete composition of your products, which will be validated or not individually. The logo can only be displayed for products that have been determined to be compatible.

The advantages of the "DAATA Compatible Products" certification

  • The DAATA conformity label allows customers (groomers or private individuals) to instantly identify the compatibility of your products with the DAATA method. Whether they are DAATA or not, the DAATA is known for its commitment to animal welfare and that of the groomer.

  • You offer a guarantee of quality and compositions. Product content is approved. (be careful, you can only display the logo for products that have been approved for certification).

  • Your dashboard allows you to manage your certification directly online and access all the tools you need.​

  • We advertise your products on our networks.

Certification fees

The prices depend on the number of products you wish to present for certification:

  • For a range of up to 15 products: €200/year (€120 for GOLD members)

  • For a range of 16 to 25 products: €400/year (€300 for GOLD members)

  • For a range of 26 to 100 products: €800/year (€600 for GOLD members)

  • For ranges over 100 products: prices on quotation.

Do you want to obtain the product certification? Contact Nathalie now

She will answer all your questions!!

Partners and accreditations

All our courses are protected by intellectual property laws. Any copy or reproduction in whole or in part of these courses or their illustrations is completely prohibited and liable to prosecution. You do not have the right to use the courses outside of your certification.


DAATA certification has been created by Mrs Nathalie Doaré--Ariey-Jouglard and can only be issued by the N & J Training Center and registered partners. 

Our general sales conditions

Contact us

« Le Code de la propriété intellectuelle et artistique n'autorisant, aux termes des alinéas 2 et 3 de l'article L.122-5, d'une part, que les « copies ou reproductions strictement réservées à l'usage privé du copiste et non destinées à une utilisation collective » et, d'autre part, que les analyses et les courtes citations dans un but d'exemple et d'illustration, « toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale, ou partielle, faite sans le consentement de l'auteur ou de ses ayants droit ou ayants cause, est illicite » (alinéa 1er de l'article L. 122-4). Cette représentation ou reproduction, par quelque procédé que ce soit, constituerait donc une contrefaçon sanctionnée par les articles 425 et suivants du Code pénal. »

Electronic link to the online dispute resolution platform (ODR):

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