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Managing Holiday Stress: Practical Tips for Groomers

Writer's picture: Nathalie Ariey-JouglardNathalie Ariey-Jouglard

As a groomer, you play a crucial role in ensuring dogs stay calm during the festive season. Between family gatherings and fireworks, the holidays can cause anxiety in dogs. Here are ways you can support your clients and help reduce stress for their pets:

1. Offer Soothing Grooming Services

  • Use calming shampoos with natural ingredients such as lavender or chamomile to help relax dogs during their grooming session. Recommend these services ahead of the holidays to help set a calm tone for anxious pets.

2. Recommend a Quiet Space at Home

  • Advise clients to create a safe, quiet space for their dogs during holiday events. This could be a room away from the noise, filled with the dog’s favorite blankets and toys to create a sense of comfort and security.

3. Promote Calming Products

  • Stock and recommend products like calming sprays, diffusers, or pheromone collars. These products can help reduce anxiety and create a relaxed atmosphere for the dog.

4. Emphasize the Importance of Exercise

  • Remind your clients to give their dogs plenty of exercise before gatherings or fireworks. This helps reduce energy levels and prepares the dog to remain calm during stressful events.

5. Suggest Anti-Anxiety Garments

  • Offer or recommend calming wraps or anxiety vests. These garments apply gentle pressure, which can help calm nervous dogs, much like a comforting hug.

6. Play Relaxing Music

  • During grooming sessions, consider playing soft, relaxing music to soothe the dogs. Encourage your clients to do the same at home, particularly when fireworks are expected, to help mask loud noises.

7. Offer Stress-Relieving Products for Home Use

  • Increase retail offerings by selling stress-relieving products such as pheromone sprays, collars, and oils designed for dogs. These can help clients continue care at home in between grooming appointments.

8. Refer to a Veterinarian for Severe Anxiety

  • For dogs with significant anxiety, advise clients to consult their veterinarian. In some cases, natural supplements or medications might be necessary to manage the dog’s stress levels during the holidays.

9. Prepare for Fireworks

  • Fireworks are a common source of stress for dogs. Encourage clients to keep their dogs indoors during fireworks and use distractions such as playing music, leaving the TV on, or offering long-lasting chew toys to help reduce anxiety.

10. Calm Owners, Calm Dogs

  • Remind clients that their behavior can influence their dog’s anxiety. If the owners stay calm, their dogs are more likely to feel secure. Encourage them to provide comfort and remain composed during stressful moments.


Groomers have a significant role to play in helping dogs manage holiday stress. Whether it's through calming grooming services, recommending anxiety-reducing products, or providing helpful advice, you can contribute to the well-being of the dogs you care for. Offering these additional services and recommendations not only enhances the experience for your clients but also ensures the dogs stay comfortable and stress-free during the festive season.


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