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Caroline Moss

LVL 1 DAATA Groomer - Under process of LVL 2 Certification


Hello, I am Caroline

I am a home-based groomer using force/fear-free methods, positive reinforcement and holistic therapies to help dog’s to have a calm, low-stress groom. I am City & Guilds trained to Level 2 and hope to do my Level 3 once lockdown is over.
I am a Fear Free Certified Professional.
I hold a First and Second Degree in Reiki for Dog Groomers and hope to become a Reiki Master in the future. I
I play soothing music for dogs and often use pet friendly calming essential oils.
I carefully select my products based on the dogs coat and skin type and the natural/ethical accreditation of the supplier and I measure the bathing water temperature according to the DAATA ICDG method.
I am currently studying for Diploma's in Canine Behaviour and Safe Dog Handling with the ISCP, alongside being one of the first students to attend The Holistic Grooming Academy working towards a Holistic Grooming Diploma.
Continued Professional Development is important to me, I want to be the best that I can be and I want dog’s to be in the care of a kind and compassionate Dog Groomer who understands their skin and coat needs, their signals and behaviours. I love, love, love dogs, big and small and everything inbetween.
I am also known for having a supply of tasty treats in my pocket!

+44 (0)7980 676897

Partners and accreditations

All our courses are protected by intellectual property laws. Any copy or reproduction in whole or in part of these courses or their illustrations is completely prohibited and liable to prosecution. You do not have the right to use the courses outside of your certification.


DAATA certification has been created by Mrs Nathalie Doaré--Ariey-Jouglard and can only be issued by the N & J Training Center and registered partners. 

Our general sales conditions

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« Le Code de la propriété intellectuelle et artistique n'autorisant, aux termes des alinéas 2 et 3 de l'article L.122-5, d'une part, que les « copies ou reproductions strictement réservées à l'usage privé du copiste et non destinées à une utilisation collective » et, d'autre part, que les analyses et les courtes citations dans un but d'exemple et d'illustration, « toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale, ou partielle, faite sans le consentement de l'auteur ou de ses ayants droit ou ayants cause, est illicite » (alinéa 1er de l'article L. 122-4). Cette représentation ou reproduction, par quelque procédé que ce soit, constituerait donc une contrefaçon sanctionnée par les articles 425 et suivants du Code pénal. »

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